
Paquetes extras de sketchup 2016
Paquetes extras de sketchup 2016

paquetes extras de sketchup 2016

Added ability to Circle/Polygon tools to use Shift to lock through different point inferences (including endpoints, midpoints, arc centers, and guide points).Also, added a tooltip to indicate “Unlocked plane” or “Locked plane”. Updated the Section Plane tool so it is colored based on the axis it is normal to when being placed (for consistency with other tools).Fixed an issue with the Protractor and Rotate tools in which the protractor jumped to the corner of the screen when making multiple slope entries in the VCB (Measurements toolbar).The down arrow key provides the same functionality. Shift + Alt functionality clashes with the Windows shortcut default setting that changes keyboard language on Windows if multiple languages are installed. Removed Shift + Press Alt (Win) and Shift + Press Command (Mac) functionality from Rotate and Protractor tools which freed the center of the protractor.15 1/2”) when entered in the VCB (Measurements toolbar) or the Ruby Console.

paquetes extras de sketchup 2016

Fixed an issue where SketchUp was incorrectly parsing negative lengths for specific formats such as feet and inches (e.g.(Mac) Fixed a crash that occurred by deleting an in model component’s definition name or description via the Components browser dialog.(Mac) Fixed a crash that could occur when opening a new file or switching documents while in the middle of some operations (including importing a 2d image, viewing an image igloo, or using the Dimensions/Text tool).Fixed a crash that could occur when auto-folding certain geometry and using an arrow key to lock direction.dwg file that had a component definition name the same as one already in the model. Fixed a crash when saving a model after importing a.SketchUp Release Notes Fixes/Improvements: OS X: This maintenance release is for both Windows and OS X and addresses a number of issues. See this article for more details on this issue. To avoid running into this issue, leave SketchUp 2016 “M0” installed prior to installing this update - i.e., install SketchUp 2016 M1 over your existing version of SketchUp 2016 M0. Windows: This maintenance release fixes a Windows-only bug introduced in the first release of SketchUp 2016, also known as “M0” where uninstalling SketchUp resets your default Internet browser.

Paquetes extras de sketchup 2016