Babel the King of Blocks (Free to PlayStation Plus subscribers, regular price $2.99).Oddworld: Abe’s Exoddus (PS one) (Free to PlayStation Plus subscribers, regular price $9.99) (Prior offer, still live).Vector TD minis (Free to PlayStation Plus subscribers, regular price $3.99) (Prior offer, still live).Comet Crash (Free to PlayStation Plus subscribers, regular price $9.99) (Prior offer, still live).MAG Interdiction DLC (Free to PlayStation Plus subscribers, regular price $4.99).Navy SEALs: Abandoned Map (Free to PlayStation Plus subscribers) Navy SEALs SU90-S Shotgun (Free to PlayStation Plus subscribers) In the meantime, check out all the new downloadable content on PlayStation Store. The next PlayStation Store and PlayStation Plus update will be this Friday, June 3, and then we will roll right into some special publishes starting next week for E3 (so be sure to check back daily!). It is currently in the final stages of testing and will be available to download soon we’ll be sure to let you know when. You may have noticed that the content promised as part of t he Welcome Back offer is not yet live. Also, PlayStation Plus has been updated with new full game trials, free games and DLC, free avatars and even more discounts. You will notice a huge lineup of new downloadable games, demos, add-on content, themes, avatars and videos. The PlayStation Store is back online and thank you everyone for your patience.